You are here: Postage > About Postage Options > About the Premium Options Tab > Hide Your Postage Amout Using Stealth Postage

Hide Your Postage Amount Using Stealth Postage

Stealth Postage—also known as keyline postage—does not display the actual postage amount on the mailpiece. Instead of showing the amount, the indicium image displays US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID.

Stealth Postage is allowed for any mailpiece with an IMb or IMpb, except:

The use of Stealth Postage is available only to Endicia Premium or higher service account subscribers.


  1. From either the Design tab or the Address Book tab, select Postage > Options.
  2. Select the Premium Options tab.
  3. Select the Use Stealth Postage (hide postage value) check box.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The Stealth Postage indicium image on your mailpiece appears instead of a regular postage indicium. The markings (usually in the upper right-hand corner of a mailpiece) indicate postage payment. The Stealth Postage indicium image appears on your mailpiece instead of a regular postage indicium. The Stealth Postage indicium usually appears in the upper right-hand corner of a mailpiece.

See Also



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