You are here: Troubleshooting > Replace a Damaged Layout File

Replace a Damaged Layout File

If a layout looks “messed up” on the Design tab and does not test-print correctly, you may have a corrupted or damaged layout file.

If that layout is one that you created yourself, create a new one.

If that layout is one of the standard ones that are included in the program, however, you can get a new copy with the following steps.


  1. On the Design tab, display the damaged layout file.
  2. In the upper-left corner of the DAZzle window, note the name of the problem layout file.
  3. From the Design tab:
    1. Select File > Open Layout.
    2. Select open any other layout.
    3. Click Open.
  4. Select File > Open Layout, but this time do not open a layout.
  5. In the Open Layout File dialog box, right-click the name of the problem layout and select Rename from the shortcut menu. The name of the layout is highlighted.
  6. Press the left-arrow key four times, enter the word “SUSPECT”, and then press Enter. (Renaming the file allows you to replace it but keeps a copy in case you need it later.)
  7. Click Cancel to close the Open Layout File dialog box.
  8. Click the Postage Options button (the one with the heart).
  9. Select the Endicia tab.
  10. Click the Update DAZzle button.
  11. Click Yes when asked if you want to create a backup. The DAZzle installation replaces the renamed layout with a new copy.

See Also

Troubleshoot Issues



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