You are here: Setup Guide > Set Up Data Sources > Establish the Data Source Connection

Establish the Data Source Connection

When you establish the database connection, you specify the data source, the database table, and the fields to map between Endicia Professional and your database.

After you have installed Endicia Professional for the first time, Endicia Professional automatically runs the Data Connections Setup wizard to prompt you to set up the database connections. Endicia Professional uses this initial data connection setup to retrieve orders on the Order Lookup tab.

You must manually run the Data Connections Setup wizard to set up additional data connections, such as when you:

Use the Data Connections Setup wizard either to create a new data source connection using:

Main types of data sources are:

You can run the Data Connections Setup wizard from Endicia Professional to change your database connection settings at any time.

The following topics provide guidance for setting up the database connections:

Except for setting up Web Store integration, after you have set up the database connection, you must:

  1. Create the SELECT statement, which indicates which data source field corresponds to the Order Number field.
  2. Connect (map) the fields between Endicia Professional and your data source.



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