Endicia Delivery Status Notification Service

Take the guesswork out of package delivery:
Sign up for Endicia’s Delivery Status Notification Service today!

Stop Guessing Start Knowing!

Endicia Delivery Status Notification

Endicia’s Delivery Status Notification Service™ gives you a simple, centralized way to identify packages that received a specific type of Delivery Status during the previous day.

No need to spend time tracking down individual packages or running reports! Delivery Status Notification reports are automatically sent each day to the email addresses you assign.

Choose from the following Delivery Status types:

green light 

Delivered (Example Report)

Leverage package delivery as a marketing opportunity! With daily notification of Delivered packages, you can proactively send surveys or marketing messages to buyers as soon as the product is received and increase response rates.

red light

Delivery Failure (Example Report)

Protect customer relationships and product reviews with proactive outreach! With Endicia’s daily Delivery Failure status notifications, you can take action and call your buyers before they call you. Create a positive experience by notifying them of any issues and communicating a resolution.

yellow light

Delivery Exception (Example Report)

Increase customer service efficiency! With daily Delivery Exception notifications, you can arm your customer service teams with information to help identify and monitor at-risk shipments.

Get daily reports on all your packages for one low price*

Status TypeReport FrequencyCost
DeliveredDaily$2.00 per month
Delivery FailureDaily$2.00 per month
Delivery ExceptionDaily$2.00 per month
Bundled price for all 3 reports**Daily$5.00 per month

*Daily reports only include packages that had a specific delivery status recorded during the previous day. Fees will be billed monthly to the same payment method used for your Endicia Service Fees.

**Save $1.00 per month when you sign up for all 3 daily reports. Each report will be sent separately for easy identification.

How to sign up for Endicia Delivery Status Notification Service:

  • Sign in to your Endicia account or go to your account pages through your software client
  • Under “Update Profile” select “Delivery Status Notification Service”
    • Read and accept Delivery Status Notification Service Terms & Conditions
    • Select which Delivery Status types you would like to subscribe to for daily notification 
    • Provide the email addresses where Endicia should send the notification reports
    • Click “Submit”

Don’t have an Endicia account? Sign up today

Not sure which Endicia service plan to choose? Visit our “Help me Choose” page.

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