You are here: Setup Guide > Set Up Optional Features > About Automated Box Selection

About Automated Box Selection

You can map fields in your database connection to the height, length, and width of a shipment. Providing dimensional information is optional except in the following cases:

If your database or file does not have fields for height, length, or width but does contain some indicator that can be used to determine which packaging to use, you can map this field from your database instead of height, length, and width. In addition to mapping the field to the database to "Box Size Name", you will need to go to the Order Lookup tab and create box names that correspond to the values that are in your database field. For example, if the field in your database that corresponds to the box size name indicates Box A for a 4x4x4 box, you would create a package dimension for that box. For more information, see Create a Package Dimension—Box Size Name.

On the Order Lookup Data Map window, you connect (map) your database fields to the Endicia Professional fields.



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